Null Transaction PR
BitKeep Integrated BitTorrent (BTT)

BitKeep Integrated BitTorrent (BTT)

BitKeep is proud to announce that we have added BitTorrent (BTT) to our protocol list. BitKeep now supports the BitTorrent (BTT) protocol and will provide BitTorrent (BTT) users with a convenient means for saving and transactions. In the future, the partnership between BitTorrent and BitKeep...

Bitkeep Adds Injective Protocol (INJ) To Its List of Supported Mainnets

Bitkeep Adds Injective Protocol (INJ) To Its List of Supported Mainnets

BitKeep is proud to announce that we have added Injective Protocol (INJ) to the list of supported main chains.  Through the support provided, BitKeep will provide Injective Protocol (INJ) users with a convenient means for token investment and token transaction. Users may access the Injective...

BitKeep Is Invited to Join Venice Biennale in Its First NFT Art Exhibition Courtesy of Cameroon National Pavilion as an Authorized Wallet

BitKeep Is Invited to Join Venice Biennale in Its First NFT Art Exhibition Courtesy of Cameroon National Pavilion as an Authorized Wallet

Venice Biennale is to show its first NFT art exhibition and has invited BitKeep to join as the authorized wallet. The first crypto art exhibition of the 59th Venice Biennale, “The Time of the Chimeras,” will open on April 20th, 2022, at Palazzo Bernardo Venice, San Polo 2186, concurrent with the...

BitKeep LaunchPad (HeroBook) Closed 227% Oversubscribed

BitKeep LaunchPad (HeroBook) Closed 227% Oversubscribed

BitKeep LaunchPad (HeroBook) was officially opened on April 15th. It was reported that the project was oversubscribed within 4 hours of its launch, the ratio then reached 227 before the event closed.  The BitKeep LaunchPad (HeroBook) generated real hype in communities at home and abroad,...

Bitkeep Becomes The Sponsor of Bitcoin 2022, Bringing A Smooth Cross-Chain Swap Experience to Bitcoin Holders

Bitkeep Becomes The Sponsor of Bitcoin 2022, Bringing A Smooth Cross-Chain Swap Experience to Bitcoin Holders

Kevin, CEO of BitKeep, tweeted on March 25 that BitKeep had become the wallet sponsor of Bitcoin 2022, Miami. Also, the founder of BitKeep will bring the BitKeep team to the Miami Beach Convention Center, presenting BitKeep’s latest V7.0 to visitors and the Bitcoin community. They will...

BitKeep Accelerates the Market Carving-up, With Its Swap Share Reaching Half of That of MetaMask

BitKeep Accelerates the Market Carving-up, With Its Swap Share Reaching Half of That of MetaMask

BitKeep Swap total transactions exceeded 5 million. Kevin, CEO of BitKeep, a Web3.0 crypto wallet, tweeted on March 21. According to the latest data released by Consensys: BitKeep, with an average daily swap amount of 20 million US dollars, has become the decentralized wallet that supports most...

BitKeep Adds KuCoin (KCC) To Its List of Supported Main Chains

BitKeep Adds KuCoin (KCC) To Its List of Supported Main Chains

BitKeep is proud to announce that it has established a partnership with KuCoin Community (KCC), and BitKeep has added KuCoin (KCC) to its list of supported main chains. Please download BitKeep V7.0.1 to experience the KuCoin (KCC) ecosystem. Through the support provided, BitKeep will provide...

BitKeep Swap Hit 5 Million In Terms of Transaction Numbers, Accelerating the Erosion of MetaMask’s Market Share

BitKeep Swap Hit 5 Million In Terms of Transaction Numbers, Accelerating the Erosion of MetaMask’s Market Share

BitKeep Swap total transactions exceeded 5 million. Kevin, CEO of BitKeep, a Web3.0 crypto wallet, announced on Twitter. 🔥Today, #BitKeep wallet #BKSwap hit 5,000,000 in terms of transaction numbers! This is our memorable day. 💪We increasingly believe that wallets have more than one form of...

BitKeep Adds Harmony (ONE) To Its List of Supported Main Chains

BitKeep Adds Harmony (ONE) To Its List of Supported Main Chains

BitKeep is proud to announce that we have added Harmony (ONE) to the list of supported main chains. Through the support provided, BitKeep will provide Harmony (ONE) users with a convenient means for token transactions, DApp ecosystem participation, and more. Users are now able to participate in...

BitKeep & Zebec LaunchPad Whitelist Subscription Well Received

BitKeep & Zebec LaunchPad Whitelist Subscription Well Received

The BitKeep & Zebec LaunchPad whitelist application was officially open from March 15-March 17, with more than 30,000 users filing applications. The number of people participating in the whitelist application was more than 25,000, but the project provided a total quota of 50,000U and only...